2025/03/23 - "Do I Please The Lord?"

Day 1: The Altar of Our Hearts

Reading: Hebrews 13:10-16

Devotional: Just as the sermon emphasized "We have an altar," today we reflect on Jesus as our ultimate altar, sacrifice, and high priest. Unlike the physical altars of old, our altar is Christ Himself. How does this change our approach to worship and sacrifice? Consider how you can offer your whole self as a "living sacrifice" (Romans 12:1) to God today. What areas of your life are you holding back from Him? Remember, true worship isn't just about singing or attending church, but about surrendering our entire lives to God's purpose.

Day 2: Outside the Camp

Reading: Hebrews 13:12-14, Luke 9:23-26

Devotional: Jesus suffered "outside the gate" for our sake. This imagery reminds us that following Christ often means stepping outside our comfort zones and facing rejection from the world. Reflect on times when your faith has led you to stand apart from others. How can you embrace the call to "go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured"? Consider one way you can boldly live out your faith today, even if it means facing discomfort or criticism.

Day 3: The Sacrifice of Praise

Reading: Hebrews 13:15-16, Psalm 34:1-8

Devotional: Our passage calls us to "continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God." Praise isn't just for the good times - it's a sacrifice we offer even in difficulty. Think about your current circumstances. How can you choose to praise God today, regardless of your situation? Remember, praise can take many forms - from singing to simply acknowledging God's goodness in prayer. Make a list of three specific things you can praise God for right now, focusing on His character rather than just His blessings.

Day 4: Doing Good and Sharing

Reading: Hebrews 13:16, Matthew 25:31-40

Devotional: The sermon highlighted how Annie Armstrong's life exemplified doing good and sharing with others. God is pleased when we extend His love in practical ways. Today, prayerfully consider: How can you be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone in need? It doesn't have to be grand - even small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Is there a neighbor you can help, a friend you can encourage, or a community initiative you can support? Ask God to open your eyes to opportunities to serve others today.

Day 5: Seeing with Compassion

Reading: Matthew 9:35-38, Luke 10:25-37

Devotional: The pastor's experience at the Love Loud event reminds us of Jesus' compassion for the multitudes. It's easy to feel sympathy, but compassion leads to action. Today, ask God to help you see people through His eyes. As you go about your day, intentionally look for those who might be hurting or in need. How can you move beyond mere sympathy to show Christ-like compassion? Remember, sometimes the greatest act of compassion is simply being present and listening. Pray for God to give you a heart that not only sees needs but is moved to meet them.
2025/03/16 - "Someday Never Comes"

Day 1: Gratitude in All Circumstances

Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Devotional: Today's passage reminds us to "give thanks in all circumstances." Reflecting on the sermon, we see how easy it is to be grateful when things are going well, but how challenging it can be in difficult times. Consider a recent challenge you've faced. How might you find reasons for gratitude even in that situation? Remember, gratitude isn't about denying hardship, but about recognizing God's presence and goodness even in our struggles. Today, try to list three things you're thankful for, especially focusing on blessings you might usually overlook.

Day 2: God's Sovereignty in Creation

Reading: Job 38:1-11

Devotional: The sermon referenced God's power over creation, as illustrated in Job 38. As you read this passage, reflect on the awesome power and wisdom of God displayed in nature. How does recognizing God's control over the natural world impact your trust in Him for your personal circumstances? Consider a situation in your life where you feel powerless. How might viewing it through the lens of God's sovereignty change your perspective? Take a moment to surrender that situation to God, acknowledging His ultimate control and wisdom.

Day 3: Seizing the Present Moment

Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Devotional: The sermon touched on the idea of "someday never comes," urging us to seize the present. Today's reading reminds us that there is a time for everything under heaven. What opportunities or callings might you be postponing in your own life? Reflect on why you're waiting and whether those reasons align with God's will for you. Is there a small step you could take today towards that goal or calling? Remember, our time on earth is limited, but each day is a gift from God to be used for His glory.

Day 4: Finding Peace in God's Protection

Reading: Psalm 91:1-6

Devotional: The sermon described preparations for a potentially dangerous storm, highlighting our human vulnerabilities. Psalm 91 speaks of God as our refuge and fortress. How does this psalm speak to your fears and anxieties? While we can't always avoid life's storms, we can find shelter in God's presence. Today, identify an area of your life where you need God's protection. Spend time in prayer, visualizing yourself resting in the shadow of the Almighty, and ask for His peace to guard your heart and mind.

Day 5: Trusting God in Loss and Gain

Reading: Job 1:20-22

Devotional: The sermon touched on being thankful even in loss, referencing personal experiences of grief. Job's response to devastating loss is a powerful example of maintaining faith in extreme circumstances. Reflect on a loss you've experienced. How did it impact your faith? Job's declaration, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised," is a profound statement of trust. Today, consider how you might cultivate this level of trust in your own life. What would it look like to praise God not just in blessing, but also in loss?
2025/03/09 - "What Does It Mean To Abide?"

Day 1: Abiding in Christ

Reading: John 15:1-11

Devotional: Jesus uses the metaphor of a vine and branches to illustrate our relationship with Him. Just as branches can't bear fruit unless they remain connected to the vine, we can't live fruitful Christian lives apart from Christ. Today, reflect on what it means to "abide" in Christ. How are you staying connected to Him through prayer, Bible study, and obedience? Remember, apart from Christ we can do nothing of eternal value, but with Him, we can bear much fruit. Ask God to help you remain firmly rooted in His love and truth.

Day 2: True Discipleship

Reading: Matthew 16:24-26

Devotional: The sermon emphasized that true discipleship is constant, not just an occasional experience. Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. This isn't always easy, but it's the path to true life. Today, consider what areas of your life you might be holding back from God. Are there things you need to "prune" to grow closer to Christ? Pray for the strength to fully commit to following Jesus, even when it's challenging.

Day 3: Love One Another

Reading: 1 John 4:7-21

Devotional: We heard that to know and love Christ is to love others. This passage reinforces that truth, reminding us that God is love and that we are called to love one another as a reflection of God's love for us. Today, think about how you can show Christ's love to others, especially those who are difficult to love. Ask God to fill you with His love and to help you see others as He sees them.

Day 4: Set Apart from the World

Reading: Romans 12:1-2

Devotional: The sermon mentioned that true disciples are set apart from the world. Paul urges us not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This transformation allows us to discern God's will. Today, reflect on areas where you might be conforming to worldly standards rather than God's. How can you renew your mind through God's Word and allow Him to transform your thoughts and actions?

Day 5: God's Grace for the Imperfect

Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

Devotional: We were reminded that we don't have to be perfect to follow Christ. This passage beautifully illustrates God's grace, saving us not because of our own righteousness, but as a gift through faith. We are God's workmanship, created for good works that He prepared in advance for us. Today, thank God for His amazing grace. Reflect on how He has worked in your life despite your imperfections. Ask Him to help you walk in the good works He has prepared for you, relying on His strength rather than your own.
2025/03/02 - "Faithful And True"

Day 1: Faithful and True

Reading: Revelation 19:11-16

Devotional: Just as John saw heaven opened and beheld the Faithful and True One, we too are called to open our hearts to Christ's faithfulness. Reflect on areas in your life where you may have doubted God's faithfulness. How does the image of Jesus as "Faithful and True" impact your trust in Him? Consider writing down specific instances where God has proven faithful in your life, even when circumstances seemed dire. Today, commit to viewing your challenges through the lens of Christ's unwavering faithfulness.

Day 2: God's Unchanging Character

Reading: Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6

Devotional: In a world of constant change, God's immutable nature provides an anchor for our souls. Meditate on how Jesus is "the same yesterday, today, and forever." How does this truth comfort you in times of uncertainty? Think about how God's unchanging character contrasts with human inconsistency. In what ways can you strive to reflect God's faithfulness in your relationships and commitments? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you grow in constancy and reliability, mirroring God's steadfast nature.

Day 3: Forgiveness and Restoration

Reading: 1 John 1:9, 2 Timothy 2:13

Devotional: God's faithfulness shines brightest in His willingness to forgive and restore us. Reflect on times when you've felt unworthy of forgiveness. How does God's promise to forgive and cleanse you impact your self-perception? Consider areas in your life where you need to extend forgiveness to others or seek forgiveness yourself. Take time to confess any unaddressed sin, trusting in God's faithful promise to forgive. Allow His restoration to renew your spirit and motivate you to extend grace to others.

Day 4: Divine Friendship

Reading: John 15:13-16

Devotional: Jesus calls us friends, demonstrating a love beyond human comprehension. Meditate on what it means to be chosen by Christ as His friend. How does this elevated status change your approach to prayer and daily living? Reflect on the characteristics of true friendship and how Jesus exemplifies them perfectly. In what ways can you deepen your friendship with Christ today? Consider practical steps to prioritize this divine relationship, such as setting aside dedicated time for intimate conversation with God.

Day 5: Hope in Suffering

Reading: Romans 8:18-39

Devotional: Even in our deepest pain, God remains faithfully present. Reflect on Paul's powerful words about future glory and God's inseparable love. How does the promise of God's constant presence comfort you in times of trial? Think about a current struggle you're facing. How might God be using this difficulty to strengthen your faith or prepare you for future ministry? Take time to praise God for His faithfulness in past trials and entrust your present challenges to His capable hands. Remember, nothing can separate you from His love.
2025/02/23 - "Field Of Dreams"

Day 1: Rediscovering Our First Love

Reading: Revelation 2:1-7

Devotional: In our journey of faith, it's easy to lose sight of our first love - that initial passion and devotion we had for Christ. Today's passage reminds us of the importance of maintaining that fervor. Reflect on your current relationship with God. Have you left your first love? Consider the areas in your life where you may have grown lukewarm or complacent. Ask God to rekindle that initial fire and commitment in your heart. Remember the joy of your salvation and the transformative power of Christ's love. Today, make a conscious effort to prioritize your relationship with God above all else.

Day 2: The Harvest is Plentiful

Reading: Matthew 9:35-38

Devotional: Jesus' words about the plentiful harvest and few workers still ring true today. Our communities are filled with people in need of God's love and grace. As you read this passage, envision the "fields" around you - your workplace, school, or neighborhood. Who are the people God is calling you to reach? Pray for eyes to see the spiritual needs around you and for courage to be a laborer in God's harvest. Consider one practical step you can take this week to share God's love with someone in your sphere of influence.

Day 3: Transformed by Christ

Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Devotional: The gospel message is one of radical transformation. When we come to Christ, we become new creations. Today's reading challenges us to examine the evidence of this transformation in our lives. Are there areas where you still cling to old patterns or worldly thinking? Reflect on how your life has changed since coming to faith. If you struggle to see change, ask God to continue His transformative work in you. Remember, we are called to be ambassadors for Christ. How can you represent Him more faithfully in your daily interactions?

Day 4: Living with Eternal Perspective

Reading: Matthew 6:19-24

Devotional: In a world that often prioritizes material success and earthly treasures, Jesus calls us to a different standard. Today's passage encourages us to store up treasures in heaven. Consider your priorities and where you invest your time, energy, and resources. Are you living with an eternal perspective? Ask God to help you realign your focus on things of lasting value. Challenge yourself to make one decision today based on eternal rather than temporal considerations.

Day 5: Committed Discipleship

Reading: Luke 9:23-26

Devotional: Following Jesus requires full commitment and often involves sacrifice. Today's reading presents a sobering call to discipleship. Reflect on what it means to "take up your cross daily" in your context. Are there areas of your life where you've been hesitant to fully surrender to God? Consider the costs - and the incomparable rewards - of following Christ wholeheartedly. Pray for the strength and courage to live out your faith boldly, even in the face of challenges or opposition. Today, choose to reaffirm your commitment to Christ in a tangible way.
2025/02/09 - "Do I Really Love God?"

Day 1: Experiencing God's Unfailing Love

Reading: John 21:1-19

Devotional: As we read about Jesus' restoration of Peter, we're reminded of God's unfailing love. Just like Jesus sought out Peter after his denial, God pursues us even when we've fallen short. Reflect on times when you've felt distant from God. How did He draw you back? Today, meditate on God's love that never gives up on you, no matter what you've done. How can you respond to this love in your daily life?

Day 2: Love as the Foundation of Obedience

Reading: John 14:15-24

Devotional: Jesus teaches that love for Him is demonstrated through obedience. This isn't about following rules, but about a heart transformed by love. Consider areas in your life where obedience feels challenging. How might viewing these areas through the lens of love for Christ change your perspective? Pray for a deeper love for Jesus that naturally flows into joyful obedience.

Day 3: The Power of Time Spent with God

Reading: Psalm 63:1-8

Devotional: Just as relationships deepen through quality time, our love for God grows as we spend time in His presence. David's psalm expresses a deep longing for God. How can you create more intentional time with God in your daily routine? Consider starting a prayer journal or setting aside dedicated time for Bible study. Reflect on how your relationship with God has grown through time spent with Him.

Day 4: Commitment in the Face of Doubt

 Reading: Hebrews 10:19-25

Devotional: Faith isn't always about feeling, but about commitment. There may be seasons when our love for God feels less intense, but we're called to remain faithful. Think about times when your faith has felt dry. How did you persevere? Today, focus on the importance of Christian community in maintaining your commitment. How can you encourage others in their faith journey?

Day 5: Love in Action

Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Devotional: Paul's description of love reminds us that true love is active and selfless. Reflect on how this kind of love has been demonstrated to you, either by God or others. How can you embody this love in your interactions today? Choose one characteristic of love from this passage and focus on living it out. Remember, as you grow in love, you grow closer to the heart of God.
2025/02/02 - "Does God Really Love Me?"

Day 1: God's Eternal Love

Reading: 1 John 4:7-21

Devotional: God's love for us is not just a fleeting emotion, but an eternal truth that predates creation itself. As we read in 1 John 4:19, "We love because he first loved us." This profound statement reminds us that God's love is the initiating force in our relationship with Him. Before we were born, before we could do anything to earn it, God loved us. Reflect on the magnitude of this truth today. How does knowing that God loved you before the foundation of the world change your perspective on your life and struggles? Consider ways you can respond to this eternal love by showing love to others, even those who may be difficult to love.

Day 2: Predestined for Purpose

Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14

Devotional: The concept of predestination can be challenging, but at its core, it speaks to God's intentional love and purpose for each of us. As we read in Ephesians, God chose us "before the foundation of the world" to be holy and blameless before Him. This doesn't mean our choices don't matter, but rather that God's plan of salvation through Christ was established long before we existed. Today, meditate on the purpose God has for your life. How can you live in a way that reflects your status as God's chosen, adopted child? Pray for guidance in fulfilling the unique calling God has placed on your life.

Day 3: The Sacrifice of Love

Reading: Romans 5:6-11

Devotional: The ultimate expression of God's love is found in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Like the coat of skins God provided for Adam and Eve, Jesus' sacrifice covers our shame and sin. Reflect on the depth of love required for God to give His only Son for us. How does this sacrificial love challenge your understanding of love? Consider areas in your life where you might be called to demonstrate sacrificial love to others. Ask God for the strength and courage to love others as He has loved you.

Day 4: Hope in Suffering

Reading: Romans 8:18-39

Devotional: Life often brings trials and suffering, but as believers, we have a hope that transcends our current circumstances. Paul reminds us that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us. Moreover, nothing can separate us from God's love. As you face challenges today, hold onto this promise. How can you cultivate an eternal perspective in the midst of temporary struggles? Pray for God to strengthen your faith and hope, especially in areas where you feel weak or discouraged.

Day 5: The Promise of Heaven

Reading: Revelation 21:1-7, John 14:1-6

Devotional: The promise of heaven is a powerful source of hope and comfort for believers. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us, a place of unimaginable beauty and joy. As you read these passages, allow yourself to imagine the glories of heaven - not just as a distant future, but as a present reality that shapes how you live today. How does the promise of eternity with God impact your daily choices and priorities? Reflect on how you can live in a way that stores up treasures in heaven rather than on earth. Thank God for the hope of heaven and ask Him to help you live with an eternal perspective.
2025/01/26 - "Spiritual Awakening"

Day 1: The Glory of God's Presence

Reading: Exodus 40:34-38; 2 Chronicles 7:1-3

Devotional: The transcription speaks of God's glory filling the tabernacle and temple. Today, reflect on how God's presence fills your life. Just as the Israelites couldn't enter the tabernacle due to God's overwhelming presence, consider areas in your life where you need to make more room for God. How can you invite His glory to fill your heart, home, and daily activities? Remember, as believers, we are now God's temple. Pray for a renewed awareness of His indwelling presence and for His glory to shine through you to others.

Day 2: Spiritual Awakening and Revival

Reading: Acts 2:42-47; 2 Chronicles 7:14

Devotional: The sermon emphasized the importance of spiritual awakening and revival. Today's readings show us what a spiritually awakened church looks like and how we can pursue revival. Examine your own spiritual life. Are you continuing steadfastly in doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers? Consider how you can deepen your commitment in these areas. Reflect on 2 Chronicles 7:14 - how can you humble yourself, pray, seek God's face, and turn from any wicked ways? Ask God to bring revival, starting with your own heart, then spreading to your church and community.

Day 3: The Importance of Christian Fellowship

Reading: Hebrews 10:23-25; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Devotional: The transcription stressed the importance of church attendance and participation in various church activities. Today's readings remind us why fellowship is crucial for our spiritual growth. Reflect on your current level of involvement in your church community. Are you neglecting to assemble with other believers? Consider the unique gifts and perspectives you bring to the body of Christ. How can you use these to encourage and build up others? Pray for opportunities to deepen your connections within your church family and to be a source of encouragement to others.

Day 4: Stewardship and Generosity

Reading: Malachi 3:10-12; 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Devotional: The sermon discussed tithing and generous giving. Today's readings challenge us to trust God with our finances and to give cheerfully. Reflect on your current giving practices. Are you trusting God with your finances? Consider how you can grow in generosity, not just with money, but with your time and talents as well. Remember, our giving is a reflection of our trust in God's provision and our gratitude for His blessings. Pray for a heart that delights in giving and for wisdom in stewarding the resources God has entrusted to you.

Day 5: Expanding God's Kingdom

Reading: Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Devotional: The transcription concluded with a call to ask God for more - more blessings, more territory, more influence for His kingdom. Today's readings remind us of our Great Commission and the boldness we can have in asking God to expand our influence for His glory. Reflect on your current sphere of influence. How are you using it to further God's kingdom? Like Jabez, consider praying for God to enlarge your territory - not for personal gain, but for greater kingdom impact. Ask God to show you specific ways you can be more intentional about sharing His love and truth with others in your daily life.
2025/01/19 - "Our Father, Who Art In Heaven"

Day 1: The Presence of God

Reading: Revelation 4:1-11

Devotional: As we begin this journey, let's focus on the awe-inspiring presence of God. In Revelation 4, John describes a breathtaking scene of worship in heaven. The elders cast their crowns before the throne, crying "Holy, holy, holy!" This reminds us of the reverence we should have when approaching God in prayer. Today, take time to simply bask in God's presence. As you pray, start with worship and adoration, acknowledging His holiness and majesty. How might this perspective change the way you approach your daily life and challenges?

Day 2: The Pattern of Prayer

Reading: Luke 11:1-4, Matthew 6:9-13

Devotional: Jesus provides us with a pattern for prayer in the Lord's Prayer. Notice how it begins with "Our Father" - a reminder of the intimate relationship God desires with us. As you pray today, focus on each element of this prayer: praise, submission to God's will, petition for daily needs, confession and forgiveness, and protection from temptation. How can you incorporate this pattern into your regular prayer life? Remember, prayer is not about reciting words, but about connecting with your Heavenly Father.

Day 3: Persistent Prayer

Reading: Luke 18:1-8

Devotional: The parable of the persistent widow teaches us about the importance of perseverance in prayer. God wants us to bring our requests to Him repeatedly, not because He doesn't hear us the first time, but because persistence develops our faith and deepens our relationship with Him. Is there something you've stopped praying about because you haven't seen an answer? Renew that prayer today, trusting in God's timing and wisdom. Remember, sometimes the greatest work God does through our prayers is in our own hearts.

Day 4: Praying for Blessing and Expansion

Reading: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Devotional: Jabez's prayer is a powerful example of boldly asking God for blessing and expansion. Today, consider what areas of your life or ministry you need God to expand. It might be your influence, your capacity to love others, or your understanding of His Word. Pray boldly, asking God to "enlarge your territory" for His glory. Remember, when we ask for God's blessings, it's not for our own comfort, but so we can be a greater blessing to others and bring more glory to Him.

Day 5: Forgiveness and Freedom from Temptation 

Reading: Matthew 18:21-35

Devotional: The final parts of the Lord's Prayer deal with forgiveness and protection from temptation. Today's parable illustrates the importance of extending to others the forgiveness we've received from God. Is there someone you need to forgive? Remember, forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. Choose to forgive, even if the other person hasn't asked for it. Then, pray for God's strength to resist temptation in your life. Identify areas where you're vulnerable and ask God to "lead you not into temptation, but deliver you from evil." Trust in His power to help you overcome.